Penitentes Peak (14,600 fasl)This 24,8 mi (40 km) journey, together with the ascent to Mt. Penitentes and reaching the Plomo low pass, is a very attractive option for this summer. Itinerary1º Day: Transfer from Mendoza City at 2,460 fasl (750 masl) to Penitentes at 8,200 fasl (2500 masl). Crossing the Mendoza River over a bridge. Trekking to the Vargas gorge and through it up to Mt Penitentes base camp at 10,580 fasl (3225 masl). Night at camp. 2º Day: Summit attempt and back to base camp. 3º Day: Through the Vargas gorge up to Mt. Serrata pass at 12,450 fasl (3800 masl). Descent to Blanco river at 10,700 fasl (3260 masl) where the tents will be pitched. 4º Day: Ascent to the Plomo low pass. From this pass, Mt. Plomo and Mt. Juncal glacier formations can be seen to the south. Return to camp. 5º Day: Trekking through the Tupungato River valley to Punta de Vacas at 7,840 fasl (2390 masl). Return to Mendoza City. Suggested Personal EquipmentOne pair underwear polypropylene pants Technical difficultyLow: doesn´t require previous knowledge nor special skills Physical conditionGood: person who trains systematically not more than three times a week RatesPlease, contact us IncludesTransfer Mendoza-Penitentes-Mendoza Not includedTransfer origin-Mendoza-origin
Discover the Andes, Expeditions: tel +54 -261-156571967, EVT Legajo 16431